No Tobacco Day: A Tobacco-Free Future Starts Today


Every year on May 31st, the World Health Organization (WHO) observes No Tobacco Day, a global campaign highlighting the dangers of tobacco use and advocating for effective policies that reduce tobacco consumption.

Here at M | O | C Cancer Care & Research Centre, this day holds particular significance, especially since we witness firsthand the devastating effects of tobacco on individuals and families, and we understand the critical role tobacco cessation plays in cancer prevention and treatment.

India faces a huge public health challenge due to widespread tobacco use. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2016-17, 28.6% of adults in India consume tobacco products in some form, which translates to millions of individuals, including young adults, exposing themselves and those around them to the harmful effects of tobacco.

Tobacco use is a significant risk factor for numerous cancers, accounting for an estimated 25% of cancer deaths globally. In India, tobacco use is a leading cause of lung cancer, which remains the most common cancer death among men. It also contributes significantly to oral cancers, esophageal cancer, and bladder cancer.

Here's how tobacco harms the body and increases cancer risk:

  • Tobacco has been known to weaken the body’s immune system, reducing its ability to fight infectious diseases. Studies also show that tobacco can increase the risk of developing cancer.
  • Tobacco contains substances called carcinogens which are literally agents that cause cancer. Carcinogens act by damaging the genetic structure of the cells leading to uncontrolled growth of cells and development of cancerous tumors.
  • Tobacco is known to cause chronic inflammation in the body which leads to the production of inflammatory substances which also promote cancer growth.

Data has shown that many Indians are afflicted with cancer caused due to the use of tobacco and the reason is often ignorance. Spreading awareness about the harmful effects of cancer and taking active steps towards cessation of smoking and tobacco consumption can go a long way in reducing the number of people who get diagnosed with the dreaded disease.

Even for those diagnosed with cancer, tobacco can be harmful as it has been shown to negatively impact cancer treatment outcomes. Research shows that if patients receiving cancer therapy smoke or use tobacco, it can:

  • Reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • Increase the risk of treatment-related complications, such as infections and wound healing problems.
  • Lower survival rates for some cancers.

It’s time to build a smoke-free future for cancer patients

At M | O | C Cancer Care & Research Centre, we actively promote tobacco cessation as an essential part of a patient's comprehensive cancer care plan by offering counselling sessions and addressing the patient's underlying triggers.

This No Tobacco Day, we call upon everyone to play a vital role in creating a smoke-free future. Here’s what each one of us can do to make our world healthier:

As individuals: Quitting smoking is the single most important step one can take to improve one’s health and reduce cancer risk. Quitting also benefits those around by eliminating the dangers of second-hand smoke. Numerous resources available in India can help people quit smoking under the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

As healthcare providers: Integrating tobacco cessation counselling into routine healthcare visits and encouraging patients to quit tobacco use.

As policymakers: Implementing strong smoke-free air laws for public places like workplaces, restaurants, and educational institutions and increasing taxes on tobacco products to deter consumption.

By working together, we can create an environment where tobacco use becomes less socially acceptable and not readily available. This will not only protect individuals from cancer but also create a healthier and cleaner environment for everyone.

Dr. Ritu Dave
Consultant Cancer Physician
MOC Cancer Care & Research Centre, Pune.

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